Yoo how’s it going? I hope you had an amazing start to the year! Mine was alright I felt really uninspired and unmotivated for most of the month and then ended up getting covid at the end. However, I was yet able to release a remix that was fun to make! Other than the remix I didn’t really work on much music but I did touch up on my 3D animation skills so that was fun!
That being said I got some amazing submissions and found some really sick tracks check them out!
Imagine you are sitting deep within the Himalayan mountain in a meditative state, far away from civilization when an intrinsic trap beat starts playing. Saint by Hamshyre will awaken you from your meditative state with its catchy lead and hypnotic drums!
I don’t usually share hip hop tracks on this blog but when something as exceptional as Quiet pain 1990 by Tenxx comes along I can not help but share it!
Have you ever bought a product that does exactly what its name states, nothing more nothing less? Fight music by Komplvint & KNCKD is exactly that. (4/5 bass faces)
Crunk by BuzzKill makes you feel the power of firing a dubstep machine gun and destroying everything for miles (3.5/5 bass faces)
Born to destroy by Emorfik makes you channel an anger you never knew you had into feeling like you want to tear your city in half for no rhyme or reason! (4.5/5 bass faces)